Cancer Care

A primary specialty is helping people with cancer--whether they are adjusting to a recent diagnosis, coping with the stress of treatment, or living in survivorship status. A cancer diagnosis can be jarring and make a person feel that they have lost the ground beneath their feet. I see my role as providing a supportive environment to assist individuals live the life they really value even in the context of cancer treatment or survivorship. This may involve learning new ways of working with difficult thoughts and emotions, connecting with the meaning in the situation, or addressing the effects of the diagnosis on family relationships, life roles, or spiritual issues.

I trained in psychotherapy in cancer care at Indiana University (IU) Simon Cancer Center in Indianapolis. I also completed a pre-doctoral psycho-oncology research fellowship funded by NIH and have authored several published articles in cancer care, including my dissertation focusing on cancer-related fatigue. I currently work as an interventionist on a research team at IU School of Medicine helping breast cancer survivors cope with fears of recurrence. I have also provided psychotherapeutic treatments in research for those undergoing stem cell transplants, for couples when one partner had advanced cancer, and for women with advanced breast cancer with persistent fatigue. 

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